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Ebook A Molecular Conception of Organisms and Neoplasms : A Theory That Any Organism Is Basically a Single Chemical Molecule EPUB, MOBI


A Molecular Conception of Organisms and Neoplasms is a six-chapter thesis that consists of a chain of reasoning on the theory of molecular conception. This thesis contends that any organism, even if multicellular, is basically a single molecule, which is the key problem of the causation of neoplasms. After providing a unifying definition of a molecule, this book goes on discussing the concept of fundamental unicellularity of multicellular organism through protoplasmic continuity between its cells. The succeeding chapters highlight the principles of the molecular conception of organisms and neoplasms. The final chapters outline the other activities of an organism determined by the molecular conception theory, such as embryonic development, animal heat, movement, pleasure and pain, and mind. This book will be of value to biochemists and clinical chemists.

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They look at global uprisings and shattering experiences that have led people to organize against and intervene in repressive mechanisms.This book begins at this juncture in characterizing Nandy's critique of 'postcolonial studies,' before proceeding to explore and detail key areas in Nandy's thinking that both mark him as one of the most important postcolonial voices and critics of his generation.