Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water Treatment : Fundamentals and Applications (2016, Paperback) ebook DJV, DOC, EPUB
9781780407180 English 1780407181 Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs)that rely on the efficient generation of reactive radical species increasingly attract greater interest with respect to their application to water remediation from a wide variety of organic micropollutants concerning human health or the environment. Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water Treatment covers the key advanced oxidation processes developed for chemical contaminant destruction in polluted water sources, some of which have been implemented successfully at water treatment plants around the globe. The book is structured in two sections; the first part is dedicated to the most relevant AOPs, and the second section addresses specific topics, such as the photochemistry of chemical contaminants in the aquatic environment, advanced water treatment for water reuse, implementation of advanced treatment processes for drinking water production at a state-of-the art water treatment plant in Europe, and advanced treatment of industrial wastewater. Each advanced oxidation process outlined in the book address the following aspects: Process principles including the most recent scientific findings and their interpretation. Classes of compounds suitable to treatment and examples of reaction mechanisms. Kinetic aspects, reaction modelling, quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) Water quality impact on process performance, practical considerations on process parameter selection criteria. Process limitations and by-product formation; strategies to mitigate the adverse effects on the treated water quality. Reactor/equipment design and economic considerations, figures-of-merit. Case studies relevant to process implementation to water treatment. Drinking water regulations driving the process implementation. Commercial applications. Future research needs. Reference list. Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water Treatment reflects the most advanced knowledge and process understanding and the authors of the book chapters are renowned, highly respected experts in the field. It has a high scientific content that is clearly presented to be easily understood by university students, researchers, consulting engineers, water industry professionals. Table of contents: Introduction; Direct Photolysis; UV/H2O2 Process; Ozone for Water and Wastewater Treatment; Ozone/H2O2 and Ozone/UV Processes; Vacuum UV Radiation Driven Processes; Gamma-Ray and Electron Beam Based AOPs; Fenton/Photo-Fenton Processes;Photocatalysis; UV/ Chlorine - Based AOP; Sulfate Radical Ion - Based AOPs; Ultrasound Wave - Based AOPs; Electrical Discharge Plasma AOPs; The Role of Photochemistry in the Transformation of Pollutants in Surface Waters; Advanced Treatment for Potable Water Reuse; Advanced Treatment for Drinking Water Production; AOPs for Municipal and Industrial Wastewater Treatment; Iron-Based Green Technologies for Water Remediation Editor: Mihaela I. Stefan - Trojan Technologies - Canada
9781780407180 English 1780407181 Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs)that rely on the efficient generation of reactive radical species increasingly attract greater interest with respect to their application to water remediation from a wide variety of organic micropollutants concerning human health or the environment. Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water Treatment covers the key advanced oxidation processes developed for chemical contaminant destruction in polluted water sources, some of which have been implemented successfully at water treatment plants around the globe. The book is structured in two sections; the first part is dedicated to the most relevant AOPs, and the second section addresses specific topics, such as the photochemistry of chemical contaminants in the aquatic environment, advanced water treatment for water reuse, implementation of advanced treatment processes for drinking water production at a state-of-the art water treatment plant in Europe, and advanced treatment of industrial wastewater. Each advanced oxidation process outlined in the book address the following aspects: Process principles including the most recent scientific findings and their interpretation. Classes of compounds suitable to treatment and examples of reaction mechanisms. Kinetic aspects, reaction modelling, quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) Water quality impact on process performance, practical considerations on process parameter selection criteria. Process limitations and by-product formation; strategies to mitigate the adverse effects on the treated water quality. Reactor/equipment design and economic considerations, figures-of-merit. Case studies relevant to process implementation to water treatment. Drinking water regulations driving the process implementation. Commercial applications. Future research needs. Reference list. Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water Treatment reflects the most advanced knowledge and process understanding and the authors of the book chapters are renowned, highly respected experts in the field. It has a high scientific content that is clearly presented to be easily understood by university students, researchers, consulting engineers, water industry professionals. Table of contents: Introduction; Direct Photolysis; UV/H2O2 Process; Ozone for Water and Wastewater Treatment; Ozone/H2O2 and Ozone/UV Processes; Vacuum UV Radiation Driven Processes; Gamma-Ray and Electron Beam Based AOPs; Fenton/Photo-Fenton Processes;Photocatalysis; UV/ Chlorine - Based AOP; Sulfate Radical Ion - Based AOPs; Ultrasound Wave - Based AOPs; Electrical Discharge Plasma AOPs; The Role of Photochemistry in the Transformation of Pollutants in Surface Waters; Advanced Treatment for Potable Water Reuse; Advanced Treatment for Drinking Water Production; AOPs for Municipal and Industrial Wastewater Treatment; Iron-Based Green Technologies for Water Remediation Editor: Mihaela I. Stefan - Trojan Technologies - Canada